TO : This feild must be written with the email id of the recipient for which the email is intended i.e. This is the main receiver of the email who was expecting the mail to be received. Say “X” is the receiver.
CC ( Carbon Copy) : Let's say if you want to send the copy of the email to someone else (say “Y”) then Y's email address must be written within CC field.
BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) : This feild must contain the email address of the receiver who wishes to receive your email secretly i.e. without the knowledge of X and Y. Let's consider “Z” is the BCC recipent.
Now conider a senario when you are writing an email and you wrote the following data :
TO : X's email address.
CC : Y's email address.
BCC : Z's email address.
Now all three will receive your email and,
X will be able to see X and Y's email address.
Y will be able to see x and Y's email address.
Z will be able to see everyone's email addresses i.e. X, Y and Z's email address.
Here Z is the BCC recipent and hence kept secret from X and Y whereas Z is able to see everyone's detail.
Generally BCC is used to send secret informative mails, where one wants to inform the other about the work.
For Ex : If your boss said you to assign a work to your Junior then you include your Junior in TO and boss email address in BCC hence he will get informed that you did your work well.
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